
Machine Learning


WS 2018





V3 + Ü1 (6 ECTS credits)
Note: This page is for a course from a previous semester.
Find a list of current courses on the Teaching page.


  • We are aware that there are currently some problems with registration for this course in the new rwth online system. We are working to fix them. Please be patient.

Lecture Description

The goal of Machine Learning is to develop techniques that enable a machine to "learn" how to perform certain tasks from experience.

The important part here is the learning from experience. That is, we do not try to encode the knowledge ourselves, but the machine should learn it itself from training data. The tools for this are statistical learning and probabilistic inference techniques. Such techniques are used in many real-world applications. This lecture will teach the fundamental machine learning know-how that underlies such capabilities. In addition, we show current research developments and how they are applied to solve real-world tasks.

Example questions that could be addressed with the techniques from the lecture include

  • Is this email important or spam?
  • What is the likelihood that this credit card transaction is fraudulent?
  • Does this image contain a face?


The class is accompanied by exercises that will allow you to collect hands-on experience with the algorithms introduced in the lecture.

There will be both pen&paper exercises and practical programming exercises (roughly 1 exercise sheet every 2 weeks). Please submit your solutions electronically through the L2P system.

We ask you to work in teams of 2-3 students.


The first half of the lecture will follow the book by Bishop. For the second half, we will use the Deep Learning book by Goodfellow as a reference.

  • Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006
  • Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, Deep learning, MIT Press, 2016

Wherever research papers are necessary for a deeper understanding, we will make them available in the L2P.

Additional Resources

  • Kevin Murphy, Machine Learning -- A Probabilistic Perspective, MIT Press, 2012.

Python Resources

Course Schedule
Date Title Content Material
Introduction Introduction, Probability Theory, Bayes Decision Theory, Minimizing Expected Loss
Prob. Density Estimation I Parametric Methods, Gaussian Distribution, Maximum Likelihood
Prob. Density Estimation II Bayesian Learning, Nonparametric Methods, Histograms, Kernel Density Estimation
Prob. Density Estimation III Mixture of Gaussians, k-Means Clustering, EM-Clustering, EM Algorithm
Linear Discriminants I Linear Discriminant Functions
Exercise 1 Python Tutorial, Probability Density, GMM, EM
Linear Discriminants II Linear Discriminant Functions
Linear SVMs Linear SVMs
Non-Linear SVMs Non-Linear SVMs
Model Combination Model Combination, AdaBoost, Exponential error, Sequential Additive Minimization
Exercise 2 Linear Discriminants, SVMs
Neural Networks I Single-Layer Perceptron, Multi-Layer Perceptron, Mapping to Linear Discriminants, Error Functions, Regularization, Multi-layer Networks, Chain rule, Gradient Descent
Neural Networks II Backpropagation, Computational Graphs, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Minibatch Learning, Optimizers (Momentum, RMS-Prop, AdaGrad, Adam)
Tricks of the Trade Initialization (Glorot, He), Nonliniearities, Drop-out, Batch Normalization, Learning Rate Schedules
Exercise 3 Adaboost, Deep Learning Companion Slides (preparation for Exercise 4)
Convolutional Neural Networks I CNNs, Convolutional Layers, Pooling Layers, LeNet
Convolutional Neural Networks II ImageNet Challenge, Notable Architectures, AlexNet, VGGNet, Inception, Visualizing CNNs
Exercise 4 Softmax, Backpropagation, Deep Learning Implementation from scratch
TensorFlow Tutorial TensorFlow Tutorial
Convolutional Neural Networks III Residual Networks, Applications of CNNs
Exercise 5 Convolutional Neural Networks
Word Embeddings Dealing with Discrete Data, Word Embeddings, word2vec, GloVe, Hierarchical Softmax, Motivation for Recurrent Networks
Recurrent Neural Networks I Plain RNNs, Backpropagation through Time, Practical Issues, Initialization
Recurrent Neural Networks II LSTM, GRU, Applications of RNNs
Exercise 6 RNNs
Repetition Repetition
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