


Welcome to the Computer Vision Group at RWTH Aachen University!

The Computer Vision group has been established at RWTH Aachen University in context with the Cluster of Excellence "UMIC - Ultra High-Speed Mobile Information and Communication" and is associated with the Chair Computer Sciences 8 - Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, and Multimedia. The group focuses on computer vision applications for mobile devices and robotic or automotive platforms. Our main research areas are visual object recognition, tracking, self-localization, 3D reconstruction, and in particular combinations between those topics.

We offer lectures and seminars about computer vision and machine learning.

You can browse through all our publications and the projects we are working on.

Important information for the Wintersemester 2023/2024: Unfortunately the following lectures are not offered in this semester: a) Computer Vision 2 b) Advanced Machine Learning



We have two papers accepted at the 2024 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR):

We have two papers accepted at Workshops:

Feb. 27, 2024


Our Mask4Former approach has been accepted at the 2024 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA):

Feb. 5, 2024


Our AGILE3D approach has been accepted at the 2024 International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR):

Jan. 27, 2024


Two papers have been accepted for publication at the German Conference on Pattern Recognition 2023 (GCPR):

Aug. 10, 2023


We have two papers accepted at the 2023 International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV):

July 16, 2023


Our TarVIS approach has been accepted as a highlighted paper (top 2.5%) at the 2023 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR):

March 31, 2023

Recent Publications

Fine-Tuning Image-Conditional Diffusion Models is Easier than You Think

Under Review

Recent work showed that large diffusion models can be reused as highly precise monocular depth estimators by casting depth estimation as an image-conditional image generation task. While the proposed model achieved state-of-the-art results, high computational demands due to multi-step inference limited its use in many scenarios. In this paper, we show that the perceived inefficiency was caused by a flaw in the inference pipeline that has so far gone unnoticed. The fixed model performs comparably to the best previously reported configuration while being more than 200x faster. To optimize for downstream task performance, we perform end-to-end fine-tuning on top of the single-step model with task-specific losses and get a deterministic model that outperforms all other diffusion-based depth and normal estimation models on common zero-shot benchmarks. We surprisingly find that this fine-tuning protocol also works directly on Stable Diffusion and achieves comparable performance to current state-of-the-art diffusion-based depth and normal estimation models, calling into question some of the conclusions drawn from prior works.

Interactive4D: Interactive 4D LiDAR Segmentation

Under Review

Interactive segmentation has an important role in facilitating the annotation process of future LiDAR datasets. Existing approaches sequentially segment individual objects at each LiDAR scan, repeating the process throughout the entire sequence, which is redundant and ineffective. In this work, we propose interactive 4D segmentation, a new paradigm that allows segmenting multiple objects on multiple LiDAR scans simultaneously, and Interactive4D, the first interactive 4D segmentation model that segments multiple objects on superimposed consecutive LiDAR scans in a single iteration by utilizing the sequential nature of LiDAR data. While performing interactive segmentation, our model leverages the entire space-time volume, leading to more efficient segmentation. Operating on the 4D volume, it directly provides consistent instance IDs over time and also simplifies tracking annotations. Moreover, we show that click simulations are crucial for successful model training on LiDAR point clouds. To this end, we design a click simulation strategy that is better suited for the characteristics of LiDAR data. To demonstrate its accuracy and effectiveness, we evaluate Interactive4D on multiple LiDAR datasets, where Interactive4D achieves a new state-of-the-art by a large margin.

Point-VOS: Pointing Up Video Object Segmentation

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024

Current state-of-the-art Video Object Segmentation (VOS) methods rely on dense per-object mask annotations both during training and testing. This requires time-consuming and costly video annotation mechanisms. We propose a novel Point-VOS task with a spatio-temporally sparse point-wise annotation scheme that substantially reduces the annotation effort. We apply our annotation scheme to two large-scale video datasets with text descriptions and annotate over 19M points across 133K objects in 32K videos. Based on our annotations, we propose a new Point-VOS benchmark, and a corresponding point-based training mechanism, which we use to establish strong baseline results. We show that existing VOS methods can easily be adapted to leverage our point annotations during training, and can achieve results close to the fully-supervised performance when trained on pseudo-masks generated from these points. In addition, we show that our data can be used to improve models that connect vision and language, by evaluating it on the Video Narrative Grounding (VNG) task. We will make our code and annotations available at https://pointvos.github.io.

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